My classes flow freely and to the naked eye have very little structure, but they do. What should never be skipped is a warm up. A warm up serves to bring everyone to the same place. It should never introduce a new subject and the students should find it challenging but fun. I shake things up a bit by modifying it now and then and by listening to feedback I decide whether to bring it back or keep the new warm up. Since we went online I have been looking for word games that don't take too long and don't need you to sign in or sign up or worse still download the APP. I began with TYPESHIFT but after a year this became unavailable and although I have the app on my phone we don't do it in class any more. It was very popular with my students. Then I discovered WORDLE and this worked well for many reasons for the whole year we had classes online. This is the second year of online I'm referring to. I am still tying to forget the first year....