My classes flow freely and to the naked eye have very little structure, but they do. What should never be skipped is a warm up. A warm up serves to bring everyone to the same place. It should never introduce a new subject and the students should find it challenging but fun. I shake things up a bit by modifying it now and then and by listening to feedback I decide whether to bring it back or keep the new warm up. Since we went online I have been looking for word games that don't take too long and don't need you to sign in or sign up or worse still download the APP. I began with TYPESHIFT but after a year this became unavailable and although I have the app on my phone we don't do it in class any more. It was very popular with my students.
Then I discovered WORDLE and this worked well for many reasons for the whole year we had classes online. This is the second year of online I'm referring to. I am still tying to forget the first year. It's also great if you have latecomers, all they miss is the warm up game.
When we started face to face this year I wanted to bring the best of online into the F2F classroom so worldle came too. My grade 7 do it together on the board and I have my other classes competing with WORDLECUP.
This allows up to 8 players to play together at the same time and compete against each other. To spice things up now and then we also play QUORDLE together on the board or HURDLE. All variations of Worldle.
There are many many websites but for quordle this is one of my faves because it has a timer.
10/12 We played HURDLE this morning. Its different from ARKADIUM's HURDLE ( you solve 4 wordles in a row )...You need to be really tactical for this version! LINK
Recently I played CODEWORD together on the board ( well, I put it on the board and hand the pen to a student) and feedback [PADLET exit tickets] was that they preferred to do this as they all play the same game instead of competing against each other. So, so far, for grade 9 we have switched to this game.
It puts the class in a good mood and warms up their brains for the next part of the class. I think it's the part they all enjoy the most.
UPDATE : 10/12/2022
I have had fantastic fun this month...I have updated some of the entries.
WAFFLE This is a daily quiz game. I call it 3D Wordle.
You can also play waffle unlimited.
We played Foodle, but it was impossible!
When you've had enough of wordleing then this is a nice rest. Its called LETTER- BOXED and its another game by the new York Times.
#warmupgamesforenglishclasses #wordle #hurdle #quordle #codeword #classstructure #blendedteaching #wordlevariations
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